In one weeks time, I will begin an arduous journey, via many forms of public transportation, that will end in a magical place called the Dragon's Egg in Ledyard, CT (very close to Mystic, where the pizza is). Leaving from Salisbury, MD, I will pitstop in Philly for an evening rehearsal with Stone Depot Dance, make my way up to NYC for a bit of sleep in the city that never does, and then continue to my final destination Tuesday morning. Crazy? Well that is my gypsy life right now, and I wouldn't have it any other way! I am headed to this magical place to take part in the NADINE Project, which I have been involved with for a little over a year. The NADINE Project(New Artists Dance In New England) is a mentoring program for choreographers under the direction of founders Libby Nye and Janet Soares. The dancers and choreographers involved meet about three times a year for four day residencies, where we get to set work on each other, take class daily from Libby Nye, and participate in critique sessions led by Janet Soares. There is so much fantastic work being created in this beautiful place! I feel so lucky to be a part of this amazing group. We'll have two showings this visit which is really exciting! Check out the NADINE Project's new website that was created by little ol' me. Tell me what you think!
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