music or visual art. It can be literal. Maybe you have a song with Lyrics about a lost love, or a still life painting of an apple, or a narrative dance about the slow erosion of ones sanity? You can also have a piece of music with no lyrics, and abstract painting, or dance about nothing in particular. In this case there is still a structure or form that can be analyzed and it can still have an affect on the viewer, even leave a strong emotional impact. For a piece of work that is abstract there is usually something specific that was the inspiration for it's creator. Is it important that you as the viewer get that? I don't think so. Take from it what you will. I think acquiring a taste for any art form can be like acquiring a taste for wine. You don't know what's good until you've had a few glasses. Being at a dance performance can feel like that moment when you're sitting there at a table full of winos talking about how they can taste a hint of birch wood and all you have to add is whether you like it or not. Maybe you'll never be able to taste the hint of birch wood but maybe after a few glasses you'll be able to know whether you prefer a Cabernet from California or a Tempranillo from Chile and why. So don't be scared! Dive in! It's the only way to see if you like it. If you don't want to spend money on something you are not sure you will enjoy, there are plenty of opportunities to see free show too! You just have to know where to look!
Check out this link to an article that was in the TU a little while back on this very subject. I also hope you enjoy the vid below that inspired me to write this at 2am when I should be trying to get back to sleep!
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