With some people you just have a special chemistry onstage. For me, Melissa Chisena is one of those people, and that's why I love performing with Chisena Danza! We never quite know exactly what will happen when we step on stage together. Check out these photos by Alan DiBerio and see if you can sense the fire that occurred during this performance!
I wanted to share these photos of my duets Unveiled and Connais-tu le pays respectively, from the performance, An Evening of Duets. The lovely lady dancing with me in Unveiled is Julia Kelly, and singing with me in Connais-tu le pays is the talented Katie Stevenson. Props to Alan DiBerio who captured some wonderful moments! ![]() I am very excited to be heading up to Troy, New York this weekend to perform my solo Hexe for At First Glance. This show, now in it's fourth year, was created by the dancers of the Ellen Sinopoli Dance Company as a creative outlet for them to show their own work. It takes place during Troy Night Out, an evening where the people of Troy head downtown to enjoy wine and nosh at the local shops which are open late, as well as experiencing special events such as this one. Due to the generous support of the Arts Center of the Capital Region, this show is a free event that will happen twice in the Center's intimate Black Box Theater. This is a casual event as people are free to come and go in between pieces and each piece will be introduced by the choreographer. The show will conclude with a Q&A. The performance will take place twice at 6pm and again at 7pm, and has a running time of about 45 minutes. Other presenting artists include Melissa George, Claire Jacob-Zysman, Marie Klaiber, Sara Senecal, and Laura Teeter. If you are in the area then I hope to see you there! Click here to RSVP to the event on FB and invite your friends! AT First Glance
Friday February 22nd at 6pm and 7pm Arts Center of the Capital Region 265 River Street, Troy, NY This show is FREE!!!!!!! "Today, on the planet, a billion women-one out of every three women on the planet-will be raped or beaten in her lifetime." ![]() If you did a little Valentine's Day pre-gaming by attending "Evening of Duets" this past weekend, then you know we had much success with two sold out shows! Now what to do this Thursday? I suggest joining a V-Day event, One Billion Rising to end violence against women. Will you join in and rise up by dancing around the city? We have two events happening here in Philly! I sadly have to miss the morning event which is a Break the Chain Flash Mob! The combo choreographed by Debbie Allen will be taught by Katherine Kiefer Stark at PARD 10am Thursday Morning.....and then everyone goes outside and FLASH MOBS! Click here for more info on this event! I WILL however be dashing over to the Temple University Bell Tower at 12:30pm to join a 20min rise up and dance that will be happening in several locations throughout the city! Maybe I will see you there! Click here to find other locations and to RSVP to this event! Click here to find these events on FB! ![]() La Notte 2010 Photo by Susan Pardy Coming up this weekend, five choreographers will come together to present an Evening of Duets, a pre-Valentines performance that will highlight duets from the romantic to the volatile in an intimate setting. I will be presenting two premieres in the program. Unveiled, which was concieved at a recent NADINE Project residency, will be danced by myself and Julia Kelly from Brooklyn, NY. The second will be a duet with myself and Opera singer Katie Stevenson. She will be singing Connais-tu le pays from the opera Mignon by Ambroise Thomas. I will also be dancing two pieces with Chisena Danza. La Notte, which I originally danced with Melissa Chisena in 2010, is a fiery duet that will be accompanied by live tango music! I will also be dancing NADINE Project creation Proximities with Ellie Goudie-Averill. Other performing companies include KC Chun-Manning/FRESH BLOOD & Elba Hevia y Vaca/Pasion y Art, Stone Depot Dance Lab/Ellie Goudie- Averill, and Tara Madsen Robbins. You don't want to miss this show! Details below! Evening Of Duets
Friday February 8th + Saturday February 9th Metting House Theatre at the Community Education Center 3500 Lancaster Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19104 Click here for tickets! Ellen Sinopoli Dance CompanyOne of the great joys of being a freelance artist is that you have the freedom to do a variety of projects. In this case I am excited that it means visiting some old friends. I have spent the past week rehearsing with the Ellen Sinopoli Dance Company who I previously worked with for over three years. There is a great comfort in dancing with people you know so well and it makes it wonderfully easy to jump into a short term gig when the ground work is already laid. The knowledge of how things are run and what is expected of you is already there. Most importantly there is a mutual trust that has already been established. I am performing with the company this coming Saturday at the Egg Performing Arts Center which will feature works revisited as well as a premier, Solo Flight. As you may guess, Solo Flight consists of six short solos, one for each member of the company. ![]() Photo by Gary Gold In honor of my visit I want to share some favorite photos of mine of a photo shoot gone silly. The year these photos were taken was probably my favorite overall year of dancing professionally thus far. I call it the golden year and I owe it all to Ellen and these beautifully spirited ladies! Check us out this weekend at the Egg! Click here for more info! I wanted to share a short clip from a new duet I started a couple of weeks ago while in residence with the NADINE Project at the Dragon's Egg in Ledyard, CT. I am going up to New York this weekend to work with the lovely Julia Kelly to finish the piece, and it will be performed for the first time at An Evening of Duets on February 8th + 9th at the CEC in Philadelphia! The music is Yo-yo-ma and Bobby McFerrin playing Vivaldi and the two beautiful dancers in this video are Melissa Chisena and Julia Kelly. I hope you enjoy!
Below is a video of the solo I did for Mixed Drinks, a performance made up of two minute pieces where the choreographers didn't get their music until the night before. I recently revisited the material due to the fact that I needed a one minute solo for an audition I was attending. I reshaped it a bit and set it to new music and am really happy with it. I look forward to adding on soon with either another solo section or a duet! Not the best quality video, but here is a short clip from Hexe which I performed last month for InHale Performance Series. Enjoy, and have a fantastic Thanksgiving! I am importing videos at this very moment. In the meantime, here are some more photos from Mixed Drinks! I think my personal favorite is the one from tech. Again, these photos are the fine work of Bill Hebert!
February 2015
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